


This page is incomplete. To read the complete documentation visit the librarie's homepage.

The nekosapi (opens in a new tab) Deno TypeScript library is an officially supported API warapper for Nekos API, kindly made by SLIME (opens in a new tab).

Source code: (opens in a new tab)


You can import the library from (opens in a new tab).

// Replace `v1.0.3` with the current library version.
import { Nekos } from ''

Since there are many domains you can use to access the API, the library allows you to select one using NekosUrl.

// Replace `v1.0.3` with the current library version.
import { Nekos, NekosUrl } from ''


First of all, you'll need to initialize the Nekos() wrapper class.

import { Nekos, NekosUrl } from ''
// Both parameters are optional. Defaults to `Nekos(NekosUrl.vercel)`.
const nekos = new Nekos(NekosUrl.nekosapi, '<your-token-here>')

NekosUrl has 3 properties:

They are all redirected to, so to avoid an extra request you should use nekosapi.

Get the token's details

This method requires a token.

If you own an access token, you can see it's information using the me() method.

import { Nekos, NekosUrl } from '';
const nekos = new Nekos(NekosUrl.nekosapi, '<your-token-here>') => {
    // Do whatever you want here

Get a random image

To get a random image, you can use either randomImage() or randomImages().

Get a random image
import { Nekos } from '';
const nekos = new Nekos()
// The `categories` parameter is optional. Each item is the name of a
// category that the image must have.
const categories = [
nekos.randomImage(categories).then((image) => {
    // Do whatever you want here
Get many random images
import { Nekos } from '';
const nekos = new Nekos()
// The `categories` parameter is optional. Each item is the name of a
// category that all the images must have.
const categories = [
// You can change the 25 to whatever amount of images you need
nekos.randomImages(25, categories).then((images) => {
    // Do whatever you want here

Get all images

This method requires a token with the image:list scope.

To list all images in the API you'll need to use the images() method.

import { Nekos, NekosUrl } from '';
const nekos = new Nekos(NekosUrl.nekosapi, '<your-token-here>')
// The first parameter is the limit, the second one is the offset
nekos.images(25, 0).then((images) => {
    // Do whatever you want here

Get an image by it's ID

To get an image's details for it's ID, you can use the image().

import { Nekos } from '';
const nekos = new Nekos()
nekos.image('<the-image-uuid>').then((image) => {
    // Do whatever you want here